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Donuts are Good For Your Spine. But not the ones you eat!

The sugary treats may not be good for your weight or your spine, but the donut cushion you can sit on will definitely help an ailing spine. The donut cushion can help relieve stress and the upward pressure from the chair.

We sit on a small area of your skeleton called the ischiums. One on each side of the bottom of our pelvis produces a loop on which we park while seated. This design allows us to easily rock front to back and side to side to complete tasks. However, because of the small surface we sit on and the number of connections to the rest of our anatomy such as muscles, other bones and spinal joints, the balancing act may not always be comfortable.

The donut cushion provides a wider sitting surface area and divides the pressure through the ring of the cushion. This donut cushion has the added benefit of having the sacral notch which will provide relief of the most painful area, the coccyx (tailbone).

An added benefit of using a donut cushion is the rise of approximately 2 inches from the former seated surface. The raising of the height two inches is noted by most people to assist in the sit-to-stand process.

Even if you do not use a donut, raising the seat surface a couple of inches will allow you to stand more easily. The other tip for sitting to standing with a painful back is to move forward on the seat (make sure it will not tip forward) and then stand from the forward position.

Painful backs are often caused by too much static sitting and not by too much motion. Of course, this is a general rule. Walking, movement, occasional breaks from sitting, avoidance of prolonged sitting in a recliner, and balance of activity and rest throughout the day can also help a painful back. Injuries from lifting, work, and accidents take an evaluation and supervised care from a physician, or physical therapist. However, most physicians and physical therapists agree walking and motion is the best treatment for a generally painful back.

Donut cushions fit neatly into a standard pillow case to easily carry with you. Feel Better! Treat your back, buy a donut.

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