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Hello All Ages going through Phases!

So, you have found yourself at the beginning of the journey of caring for your parents instead of the other way around? You are not alone.

The first yellow caution flag is when you notice more post it notes for reminders, the need for rides to doctor’s appointments, help with schedules, help with grocery shopping, and perhaps writing checks. Memory, especially short term memory is often the first sign of help needed.

The second yellow flag may be unexplained charges, especially reoccurring charges on the credit card or bank statement. It may be time to gain access by having a conversation with the loved one struggling to help make financial decisions. Sometimes, check book balancing and new technology requirement are too challenging for the ages raised without them.

The third flag is decreasing attentiveness to personal hygiene, laundry, housekeeping, or home maintenance. Is is becoming difficult and fearful to arrange help for repairs and maintenance? If so, step in and help schedule, arrange, and meet help to keep your loved ones’ home in a good state. Admitting you can no longer care for a home that has been your responsibility for a long time is difficulty, especially for dad.

The take away for this day is to pay attention to the little changes in your loved one’s life producing stress, anxiety or normal function. Take Action then, do not wait. Prepare a smooth path for future open conversations. Love wins.

3 thoughts on “Hello All Ages going through Phases!

    1. Hi Nellie,
      This is one of the examples I have in my book. Can Mom Sleep With The Dogs: What You Need To Know Before You Bring Your Parent Home. I will be posting more articles too!
      Click on this link below to go to the book on Amazon. You can also Google Can Mom Sleep With The Dogs. There is also a second book in the series which allows a place for you to record your parents meds, moods, nutrition, changing schedule, blood pressure and more.

      Thank you for your comment! Have a great day. Cindy

      Link to Amazon: “>

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